First page of Industrial Training Report

Industrial Training Report

Industrial training and Industrial visit is part of our academic curriculum of engineering course either diploma or degree. So Mainly final year students have to submit this industrial training report to their respective institutes. And marks are allotted against the information. But this report also creates an impression if the students submit it to their training company. Sometimes from some good reports, the industry is aware of their loopholes. So the H.R. dept. And even some time, G.M. called some students for an interview based on their report. So students completing successful training and having an excellent industrial training report has a high possibility to get absorbed in the company. After changing the company details, I don’t tell my students or viewers to copy the report and paste it into their files. But report making is an art. So here I point out some key pages that they must include in the training report and some contents that help write this type of report.

So the following pages have to be included in this type of industrial training report given below…

1. FrontPage: It is the first page, so it has to be perfect and looking good without any spelling mistakes. Here students can include Company Name, Company Picture, and after that, the person who has submitted the report followed by the instate details. See the featured image of the post.

You can substitute the logo with the company’s front picture if the logo is not available.

2. Self-Declaration: It is not a mandatory page, but it is essential for higher study. Here the student has to declare that he has made this report. I give a format for your help.


I declare that this thesis/ Training report/ Visit report contains no materials that have been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any University to the best of my knowledge. It is submitted to the fulfilment of Diploma/B.Tech/M.Tech. in Discipline at institution name under university/board/council. Materials presented in this thesis are the minor contribution towards ongoing research under the supervision of Guide name with the Designation.

Students NameDate

3. CERTIFICATE:  Here, students can enclose their training certificates in companies pad. Different companies have different certificate formats. Here I have enclosed one certificate format just for your understanding.


This is to certify that Mr./Miss/Mrs. Students name (Roll No.: …& Registration No…) to the Institution Name with address, under the Board/ University, has completed his/her training from — to — under our supervision and submitted report accordingly. He/She is a hardworking and intelligent student. I wish him success in life.

                                                                                                            H.R/ GM , Signature with Stamp

4. Acknowledgment: Here students have to acknowledge different Managers and Officers who helped them to complete the training successfully and to make a training report. A particular acknowledgement report is annexed below for your better understanding.


While bringing out this report to its final form, I came across several people whose contributions in various ways helped my field of research, and they deserve special thanks. It is a pleasure to convey my gratitude to all of them. 

I want to express my deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness to my supervisors. Name with Designation, for their invaluable encouragement, suggestions, and support from an early stage of this Industrial Training and providing me extraordinary experiences throughout the work. Above all, their priceless and meticulous supervision at each phase of work inspired me innumerable ways.

I especially acknowledge Company G.M./ Senior Manager/H.R. for their advice, supervision, and vital contribution as and when required during this Industrial Training. Their involvement with originality has triggered and nourished the intellectual maturity that will help me for a long time to come.

I am highly grateful to H.O.D., T.P.O., Principal, Department of Discipline, for their kind support and permission to use the facilities available in the institute.

I am obliged to other vital persons related to the industrial training for their support and co-operation that is difficult to express in words. The time spent with them will remain in my memory for years to come. 

Finally, I am deeply indebted to my parents, family members, and office colleagues/ friends for their moral support and continuous encouragement while carrying out this study.

                      Signature with Date

5. Miscellaneous information about our training place: Students can enclose the following information after consulting with HR and Senior Managers.

Name of the organization:

Area of the organization estate:

History of the organization: 

Head office:                                      

Factories location:                          

Retail stores:                      if any

Wholesale depots:           If any


Shift with timing:                                                             

Products manufactured:                                              


Click here to see a sample copy.

6. Index / Table of Contents It is also a very important page. It helps the viewer to understand how to pages of the reports has been arranged. The total training schedule has been designed by HR or Senior Managers and they forward it to different department’s managers or supervisors.   And departmental training schedule has been designed by the senior manager of those respective departments. Here students can enclose the day-wise training schedule or department wise schedule. They also may enclose different pictures of machinery, product, and sequence of operations after consulting with the departmental managers.  A brief day-wise schedule is enclosed here for your understanding.


Name of the department visited:            

Persons responsible for training:                                                            

Type of the work being conducted:        


The sequence of operations /Style:

Production capacity/day:                                  

Manpower/Style or Line:

Picture:                                                  Take consent from a departmental manager and then attached

Attached material:                               Take consent from the departmental manager and then attached 

Click here to see a sample copy.

7. Results and Discussions/Suggestions: Every company wants to know the feedback from the students. They want to see how the trainee accessed the company in their eye. They want to know, are there any positive suggestions to improve the company? So there is a vast scope for the trainee to prove their efficiency. Thus they can impress the company with his thought. Here don’t ignore any small event where you think they can make improvements. Don’t be shy but point out all defects correctly and let the company believe that you have noticed every small event.

8. Conclusions and Future Scope: Here, I enclose a preliminary conclusion report for your better understanding, and it also helps you make your conclusion reports.

 Industrial training opens an immense opportunity to get aware of Industrial procedures, new technologies, and machinery and apply our theoretical knowledge to see the practical outcome. It also teaches us to handle the operator and to tackle new challenges. And here, I fulfill the objective of industrial training. Here we saw the large-scale production for the first time. Above all, we got a chance to interact with top to bottom-level managers. They help us to clear the confusion. The operators are accommodating. They also allow us to understand the processes and types of machinery. Lastly, the personnel department was always taking feed feedback from us about our training outcome. So we would like you to keep this experience with us. And we hope this idea will help us in the future.

Some critical tips for making the report in M.S. word: (After front page)

  • The Industrial training report shall be computer typed (English Font –Times New Roman, Size-12 point) and printed on A4 paper. The heading should be in the same font but Size 14.
  • The training report shall be the Hard Copy of the Training Report (Spiral Binding or Hand Binding). They shall type the training report with 1.5 line spacing with a margin of 3 cm on the left, 2.5 cm on the top, and 1.25 cm on the right and bottom.
  • The page numbering, starting from acknowledgments and till index page, should be printed in small Roman numbers, i.e, i, ii, iii, iv,v…… 
  • You print all page numbers from the second page of each chapter should using Arabic numerals, i.e. 2,3,4,5,6… All printed page numbers should be located at the bottom center of the page.
  • It would help if you typed subject matter on a single side of the page.
  • You should check the reports checked thoroughly 3, 4 times to find out grammar or spelling mistakes.
  • All the pages, images, tables, and figures must be numbered serially in their respective font and style.

Above all, making a training report is an art. If some students can think about it differently, they are also welcome. In this article, I give a brief description to let the viewer understand what an industrial training report is and how you can make it.

If you like the post, you can share it. I give Links in the top and lower corners of the bar, and If you have any doubts, ask me in the comment section. I will try to answer at the earliest. 

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