•Button fitting machine is used to fix purse buttons in a variety of leather goods. Button fitting machine is fitted with a bottom fitting device, moveable spring stem and handle or treadle. Different sizes of male and female dies can be fitted to the machine for fixing different sizes of buttons. For each  operation, a set of male and female dies is fitted in the

     Description of the machine:

  The machine body’s made of aluminum and therefore very  light-weighted. All movable parts are led in self-lubricating  bushes and therefore totally maintenance-free (no oil and  grease spots on the material).

•Punch Holder: Different size punches can be attached at the  punch holder.

•Punch bed: Punch bed is attached at the bottom of the punch  holder. A single puch be can be used for multiple punches.

•Rivet Holder Male: At punch holder, we can  plug male rivet holder as per rivet size.

•Rivet holder female: Punch bed can be  replaced by rivet holder female. The  combination of male and female rivet holder  should be same as per rivet size.

•Operations: Button fitting machine is used  to fix purse buttons in a variety of leather  goods. Button fitting machine is fitted with a  bottom fitting device, moveable spring stem  and handle or treadle. Different sizes of  male and female dies can be fitted to the  machine for fixing different sizes of buttons.  For each operation, a set of male and female  dies is fitted in the machine


■1. Comprehensive Footwear Technology, S.N. Ganguly

■2. Manual of Leather Goods, CLRI Publication

Class note of Sk Shorif Uddin, Lecturer CFTC, Budge Budge

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